Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hello, world

This is my blog.  There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I will post in this space my musings on American football strategy and tactics, for the coach or the fan.  Some of my posts may be applicable to the youth or major college level, but most of the time I will be thinking in the context of the High School varsity level.  What I write will have been researched to some varying degree, but it will be my opinion - you can keep the conversation going and let me know if I made a mistake or an omission in the comments.  I will read the comments, make corrections, and give credit where it's due.  Hopefully, this will be a space where everyone can learn, including me.  Thanks for reading.



  1. Great articles so far. Ran across your blog via Smart Football and am looking forward to reading more


  2. TJ, thanks for reading. I appreciate your support and I'm working on more articles to publish. Stay tuned.
